
Monday, July 27, 2015

Embossing is the BOSS!

I have to admit, it's been pretty fun the past few days, thinking and planning and scoping out new ideas to stamp.  I have been a paper crafter for many years, including designing my own stamps, but admittedly, I didn't necessarily enjoy the process of stamping.  (I's quite shocking, really)!!  But these past few weeks, I have really, really enjoyed playing with all my new Stampin' Up! toys and getting my fingers all ink stained.  It's awesome!  Some times my creations are pretty and I like them and other times I just toss it aside.  We all have a standard, you know?  But one of the things I really have enjoyed is scoping out other blogs, pinterest and places where I learn new techniques.  Sometimes I just have to try and duplicate the creation because it's so pretty, or fun, or just want to try!  I ran across a blog last night that I knew I wanted to CASE her project.  Her name is Angie, and I know I am going to have fun looking through her ideas.  Here is one I had to try!

Her example used different colored papers and inks, but I worked with what I had and I like the way it turned out.  I embossed in white and then using a sponge dauber inked up the embossed images.  Very fast and fun!

Did you know that you can shop from my Stampin' Up store 24/7?  If you place an order over $50.00 I will send you something special from me personally.  If you place an order that equals $150 or more, you qualify for Stampin' Rewards and that means free products!  Please look over the links at the top of my page because there are a lot of different options to consider.

Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog

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