
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Heartstrings and ...The Little Hop of Horrors

Little hop of horrors at Canadian Nickel Scrap\
Hello, my name is Shelley and welcome to Heartstring Designs!!  I am so honored that Nicole included me in her fang-tastic blog hop today and I am so happy you found your way here from the amazing Robyn over at My Pink Stamper.  I am sure you loved the wonderful project she offered you as well as all the fun bloggers you have met along the way that have put their "spell" on you.  If you have stumbled upon me and want to start at the very beginning of this amazing hop, you can hop over to the beginning of it all and visit Barb at Haunted Design House.   Be sure to read all the way through my post today, because there is a giveaway at the end!!

Today I decided I would share with you something a little different.  I took one of my Vintage Girl Rubberstamps from my very own stamp line over at Shelley Bean Stamps and using my Copic Markers, turned her into something a little different.  How do you like her now?

Here she is sporting her new greenish skin-tone and her red eyes under a ghastly moon....After the transformation I showed her to my husband and asked his opinion.  He said he liked the look of it...a bit eerie, kind of s e x y...but he thought she was maybe a little too "good-looking" considering she was now one of the undead.  And my reply was, "maybe that is the idea" and he took that notion of predator vs prey and wrote a poem to go with it.  (Yes, he is a fantastic poet!) 

On Friday night my husband and I watched "Sleepy Hollow" with Johnny Depp, and something about this image reminds me a lot of that movie.  Kind of fun and in the spirit of Halloween.  Love it! 

We then combined our ideas together and made a framed wall hanging.  I think we may actually keep it out year-round.  I like it a lot!

Supplies Used:
My Minds Eye Decorative Papers
Woodland Girl  from Shelley Bean Stamps (now available)
October 31 Cricut Cartridge
Copics Markers:
G99, G94, G40, G20

Now for some fun!  I will giveaway 10 of my new digi stamps from Shelley Bean Stamps.  For a chance to win, simply become a follower and leave me a comment at the end of this post, with your email address and your choice of digital stamp that you will find here: (click the button)

 (if you don't list your choice..I will simply choose one for you) I will randomly draw 10 winners on Monday, October 4th.  And while you are over there it would make me really happy to have you leave a comment and become a follower there as well.  (but that part is not required!) 

Now, it's time to go and check out the amazing Suzi at The Manic World of Mrs. Weyremaster.  You are sure to be ghoulishly delighted! :)

If you have lost your way on the is a list of all the blogs in their order.  Please come back and visit me again!!

8. Fitter Twit (Fun and Mental Changes)
9. Gloria  (Creepy Glowbugg)
11. Kellie (Kellie Winnell)
15. Madison  (Funky Cards)
22. Shelley (ME) (Heartstring Designs)

And last...but certainly NOT least I would like to thank the wonderful sponsors that were kind enough to provide the great prizes available at the end of this hop!

                                                        ~Happy Haunting!


Paper Sewn Visions said...

I am now a follower and If i won your give away I would like for you to pick because it is so hard to pick one.

michelle said...

I love your stamps they are all so sweet but i think i like the digi witch the most.

Betty Boo! said...

Oh my goodness that is gorgeous!

Debican said...

Your framed artwork is so awsome. What a great job and team work with your husband. Love your blog and stamps. I'm not a real big stamper but I do like sentiment stamps.
Hugs xxx Debi

Jewel said...

I am now a follower of your blog...Yay! I am hoping to win
Indian Digi stamp. Too cute!
blunt_agenda at

Shirley said...

Beautiful and spooky.
delgador at bellsouth dot net

Norma said...

Wow she looks gorgeous!!

Martha galvez said...

Love the wall hanging. Great job. I already follow you blog and would be happy with anyone of you stamps. Thanks.

wannabecraftygrandma said...

very nice artwork and piece! I became a follower and actually like all your stamps :) If I had to pick one, I think it would be the Indian. Thank you for the chance to see your stamps!

angelonfire at gmail dot com

Marlene said...

Freakishly gorgeous!

Debbie Pamment said...

OH WOW - I just LOVE this!!! What a fabulous hop - I'm finding soo many wonderful new places to visit! LOVE your stamp line - will have to pop back and check it out properly after the hop!

Tonie said...

Great card, you and your husband work well together !!

I have to say that the Digi Witch is my fav.


Me said...

Wow this is great it looks like a painting from a horror movie.
Great coloring.

Grtzz Marjon

Roxie said...

Wow that is amazing. Love your stamps.


Unknown said...

I love your wall hanging and your husband is talented too. I am a new follower. I am always looking for new ideas and inspirations.


Unknown said...

I forgot to tell you that I like the Indian Girl in your Digi Stamps.


Evie said...

love your stamps. The poem and picture are fantastic. My favorite is the pilgrim girl digi stamp.

Miria said...

That is so awesome. Love the stamps. They are something new and different. Would love to see a fairy one made like the girl. I like the witch.

Sharain said...

Hi! I love what you did with the stamped image....what a change it made! You could be my chooser if I were to win...witch (haha) would be great!

PS soooo gonna be a new follower!

Unknown said...

How amazing that two talented people got together...and then made this spooktacular project! I'm a follower and always love visiting your blog! Thanks for sharing!

Peggy Sue said...

I think the little indian girl is so sweet, would be great for thanksgving table cards!

GiGi said...

You did a grat job on that girl! And how awesome that your hubby wrote that poem! TFS!
booger1 at

Anonymous said...

It was great finding your site with the blog hop today.

Peggy said...

I am now a follower. Woo hoo! I loved you girl and the poem your hubby wrote, it framed up beautifully. Great job! Thanks for sharing and thanks for a chance to win. I like the witch girl stamp.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh What a spooky creation, I love it. Your husbands poem is wonderful too, perfect for your image. What an awesome combination:)

Wendy said...

You are truly an artist! I love your projects. Thanks for sharing :)


Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Hello! I love the "creepy yet sexy" girl card you made! woo hoo creepy girls! I would love to win the witch digi ( so cute!) and thank you for sharing!

Denise said...



Emily said...

Great project!!

Patricia Mae said...

Spooky card. Awesome.

littlen said...

I am already a follower. I like the digi witch the best.

Nicole Wright Designs said...

Shelley, this is stunning! I love that your framed your project too! Ohhhhh that movie scares me!

Thanks for everything you are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is such a cool project! I'm not into scary movies, but it sounds like a good one! Thanks for the halloween inspiration!


Debra said...

Awesome project! The two of you together are like the "Dynamic Duo!" I am a follower and I looked at your digis and it was difficult to pick one! But I picked the Witch Digi: My email address is: Thanks for the hop!

Rhonda said...

I just became a follower threw mypinkstamper and wow what great work I love the lady she actually reminded me of the adams family the daughter she came to mind when I saw this her name was wendy awesome poem as well congrats hubby I would have to say either halloween or christmas for the pick of the stamps

Kathy said...

Just became a follower and look forward to your future posts and projects. I think my favorite is the pilgrim girl. Cute.
mskathywmu4 at cox dot net

Valine said...

I just LOVE this project! I think the green girl is beautiful & creepy all at the same time! And your husbands poem is GREAT!

Should I win, I'd love the pilgrim girl digi stamp! Too cute!

SugarBeanz said...

Ok I became a follower. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your framed stamp, poem set. You and your hubby are very talented.
If I were to win I would love the kitty costume digi!!

FitterTwit said...

This is so fantastic!

terriennz said...

This is TOO cute Shelley! LOVE IT!

Terrie B

Perfectly Unperfect Cards said...

wow way to stand out, that is amazing what you created :D thanks for sharing.

penbrandy said...

I am you newest follower....I love your stamps....great job!!...If I had to pick I think it would be the kitty costume digi....Thank you for the giveaway! Brandy

Penbrandy at msn dot com

Nicole said...

This is so much fun. I love your digi stamps. I've never done a blog hop...and this is just fabulous. If I win, I would love the witch digi :)

I'll be following your blog for sure...I saw so many other things I'd like to check out later. :)

LesleyfromWI said...

Wow....that is stunning what you did. Love it. I would have to choose the digi witch....she is too cute!

Beverly Steele said...

i am a new follower and i am in love with your stamps. It would be too hard to pick one so i would rather someone else pick if i was to win. thank you for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

so sweet that your husband shares in your creativity! what an amazing pairing! i would love for you to choose the stamps, they are all wonderful!

Susan Says (Stupid Stuff) said...

Your wall hanging is eerily beautiful! I've become a follower and if I win one of your digis, I would choose that cute little witch :D

Joana24 said...

love the image you a great artist

thanks for sharing

big hug

Minta's Creations said...

I'm a follower but it's under the name Zackmum. Love the picture.
Check out my blog and let me know what you think.

Kimberly said...

Well i'm new to this whole craft. I'm glad i came across your site from the pink stamper. Robyn's site is the only one i've found so far now i have a new list to check on. Love your lovely girl stamp.

Kimberly said...

Well i'm new to this whole craft. I'm glad i came across your site from the pink stamper. Robyn's site is the only one i've found so far now i have a new list to check on. Love your lovely girl stamp.

Scrappin Grannie said...

Love your picture of the fair/spooky maiden. Your husband is a talented write with that poem. Good job. Thanks for sharing.

Bonnie Patterson said...

That is eerie and intriguing at the same time

MiQuelle said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I like the Witch one she's cute.


Anonymous said...

Super Cool! Awsome that your hubby helped you out with this project. Mine is cool like that too! LOVE THIS!


JeNn said...

very nice. I cant wait to see more of your work. thanks

Cherie said...

The witch digi is super cute.


Heather said...

I live in WA so I love Apple Annie.

Teri Barefoot said...

beautiful work I really like this
thanks I can not wait to see other work you have I just became a follower

Scrappinbutterfly said...

love your blog. I would be honored if I win for you to just pick one for me.

Mary Jean said...

love it! Your little witch has stolen my heart so that would be my vote!

stefeni said...

Great project as always Shelley!

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

Lisa B said...

I really like the witch digi, she's very cute!
l_pirelli at yahoo dot com

Vicki said...

Love how you transformed the girl and that your husband wrote the poem. Such talented couple.

vwilson577 @

Unknown said...

Love all the stamps :)

Scrappy Jackie said...

I am a new follower! Wow! You do pretty impressive work! Thank you for being part of this hop! Jackie

bumblebee creations said...

Hi! Glad to have found you! I have became a follower on both sites and if I was to win would love to receive the "witch digi" she is so adorable!!!

JoAnn said...

Stunning work! I love the color detail!

Angie said...

Hi Shelley, I've just become a follower! I love your stamps and so far my favorite is the Witch Digi. She's adorable! Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

Angie in Utah

mommahobbit said...

Wow that hanging is so amazinggggggggggggggggggggggg! ty for sharing your talent.

The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I am a new follower. I would love to have the digi witch!

cporter519 at yahoo dot com

CyndiU said...

Thanks for having me hop in. I am new to blogging and hopping so this has been an eye-opening day.

If I should be one of the lucky ones I would be most happy with any stamp you would choose to send me.

I'm looking forward to returning to your blogs.

Craftily Challenged said...

Thanks for the awesome chance to win!! Happy Hopping!

3JewelsArt said...

Wow I just found you site through the blog hop and I am so glad I did! :) I love how your picture turned out, reminds me of something my sister would love! I love all of your digi stamps, it is really hard to pick but I think it would have to be the Witch Digi. Thank you for the chance to win :)

munky77 at comcast dot net

Big Time Stamper Want to Be said...

I agree very eeerie but well done. Nice work.


Justine said...

Your project is really neat! Great poem!
tweetyandgeorge2 at yahoo dot com

bird said...

I have become a follower and i would like you to pick the one you like the most. thanks again

~Heidi said...

Very eerie little girl. tfs

Kristi said...

Interesting idea. Good work.

Kristi said...

Interesting idea. Good work.

Barb said...

This is gorgeous, Shelley! The poem is lovely and your image is so hauntingly beautiful! I think this is my favorite image of yours so far!

Creepy Glowbugg said...

What a wonderfully creative team you and your husband make!
Gorgeous project and beautiful poem!

Kim H said...

Happy Haunting to you too! I love the little witch digi, her little treat bag is so cute! I have been a folower for awhile.
But I just have to say I love your newest creation! i love her skin tone, her hair, and love all the papers you used! Loved that you framed it too!
Kim H
rkrharris at comcast dot net

Joann said...

W@ow, beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents.


Anonymous said...

That particular stamp came out gorgeous. If I win, you pick.

aremus said...

I love image and the poem. Great job to both of you. TFS!!

amandaremus at gmail dot com

Jenni said...

Hauntingly awesome home decor!

crafty queen said...

I thinks this talent is amazing and I don't care what it is if I win I will be forever grateful. Thanks for sharing.

Judy in KS said...

Great artwork and wonderful poem.
Would love the witch but be happy with any of them.
Judy in KS

Jennifer said...


I'm already a follower and I LOVE your stamps!!! :) If I'm lucky enough to win, I think I'd pick the Witch Digi-too cute!

Wow! Both you and your husband are very talented!!! I love how you turned her into a Halloween image; great coloring!

Thanks so much for sharing and for the chance to win,

partridgelu at yahoo dot com

Debbie Johnson said...

love the hop thanks for the giveaway!

Little Scraps of Heaven Designs said...

great card. Your image is amazing.

Grandma Mickey said...

Love the picture of the girl and your husband's poem to go along with it! I would leave it out year round too if I were you.
Grandma Mickey
mickeyms at ptd dot net

mia said...

your stamps looks awesome. if i win i would like you to pick. thanks for the chance to win.

Tammy said...

I am a new follower and I think the digi I like the best is the witch. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Tammy H

asktnt at suddenlink dot net

Smacki's Place said...

i love what you did with your markers, it is mesmerizing, and what a talented partner you have. if i am lucky enough to win i would be delighted if you made a choice for me.

Stacy H-W said...

They are all so great I can't choose! You pick! I love the plaque you guys made with the image and the poem! Really neat.I would definitely leave them out all year long! Stacy H-W

Patti Ross said...

I am so happy to have found your blog - I LOVE LOVE LOVE your stamps!!! I'm so hoping I can win a set - but I feel like I've won already just finding you and all your inspiring projects!!

Angela Mabe said...

Very nice! I like your cute little digi witch.

Unknown said...

omgosh.. soo spooky... i like

felkatz at gmail dot com

Shaunta said...

very talented dynamic duo!!!

Liza said...

WOW! How talented you and your husband are! I really liked the prettiness yet eerie feel from the girl stamp...great idea! And your husbands poem floored's GREAT! I'm glad I found your blog and am now a follower. I like the digi witch stamp best.

kathlee said...

I love you Digi stamps..I love vintage anything. I must say I fell in love with the girl with the watering can! She is adorable!

Janet said...

I love them all, you are very talented and so is your husband. What an awesome duo. Because its Halloween I would like the little witch if I'm a winner.

Kathy said...

I am a new follower and did like the way by changing the colors used your stamp did look scary... and your husbands poem was great too!
I like the witch stamp!

fidjet23 said...

She is eerily beautiful and the poem is very good. I like the digi witch.

handmadebymia said...

love the poem that goes along with your card.

Miranda said...

Your project is awesome and so is the poem. I am now a follower and if I won I think I would like the digi witch! Thanks

S.Bayles said...

I think I am a follower and love the art work. You are so very good.
I love the blog and thanks for the hop. Good luck to all.

Mom2Fiveplus3 said...

She could be from wicked

Ginny G. said...

I am now a follower and can't wait to do some exploring. I LOVE the art work and the poem...great job! I'll let you pick the design, I like them all.
Ginny G.

ReinasMomma said...

Very pretty! Thanks for sharing!

Tracy said...

Wow this is beautiful. Not only are you talented but so is your hubby, very nice.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed visiting your blog. thanks for sharing and I will let you choose the image to share with me.

Kristine said...

Your project is awsome! You did a great job as well as your husband, what a pair! Thanks for sharing!

krissaxt at yahoo dot com

SherriC. said...

your stamps are super cute, your wall hanging turned out great, If I won, I would like the Witch,
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com

KathyB said...

I am amazed by your wall hanging, the vintage girl turned an undead maiden along with your husband poem is incredible! I would keep this out year round as well, it's fantastic! I am a new follower and love what I see so far! If I were to win one of your digi stamps I would love to have the witch digi! Thanks for sharing your work!

Pam said...

I love your picture and your husband's poem. I would leave it out also. If I were to win, I would like the Indian girl. Thank you!

CraftyNurse98 said...

i am now a follower...great project thanks for the chance for the blog candy

Monique Leslie The Misfit Crafter said...

Very spooky looking..i love that Harlequin paper...I used it for a book I just made of Halloween stories or poems for my kids.

Scrappers' Ranch said...

I love this stamp you used for this card, she looks so freakishly REAL! I am now a follower on both your sites, and I love your store! If I should pick one of the digi stamps that pop up, I would maybe say the little Indian girl.
TFS this wonderful card and a chance to win
Bonnie C

Tanya said...

wonderful project.

love the chance to win

taniwol at yahoo dot com

Teri said...

Your project was fantastic, I loved its "bewitching" quality. Your stamps are so cute. If I had to pick one I would pick the little "witch". Thanks

Marty said...

I'm not a fan of scary but that is a gorgeous piece I love the poem also. I just became a follower your art work is great. Any stamp would be an wonderful prize.

CricutLvr!! said...

Wow amazing project!! Thnx for the chance to win 8)

Debbie said...

such a cool project thanks for sharing Debbie @

Amy said...

WOW! I am at a loss of words on your project. I love all your digi stamps too.

juelmarie said...

Witch digi is my favorite - she is so cute!

juelmarie said...

Witch digi is my favorite - she is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley!
Just became a new fan & follower! Found you thru MPS. I'm not familiar with Digi Stamps, but I would LOVE to win one, especially on this special "National Card Making Day"! Thanks for the chance. Your "portrait" is BEAUTIFUL & your husband's poem just makes it that much more perfect. I would leave it up all year too!
Hugs from R.I.,
Laura =:8

Cheryl B said...

Wow, that is amazing. If I win you pick your fave!

cjbarclay at gmail dot com

Deanne Gutierrez said...

Oh my - what a project and I love how it turned into a "family afair" Great job!!

Deanne G

Catherine said...

What a fabulous image, and I love how you used her here! The effect is totally haunting and so, so cool! WOW! TFS!

Anonymous said...

That stamp is great.Love the green said...

I am amazed!

Alexandra Lundgren said...

I think it is GORGEOUS and should be left up year round. Kudos to the hubby for the wonderful poem to go with it!!!

Noticed your previous post and I am in Boise as well. Funny it takes the WWW and a Canadian to organize a blog hop for me to find your work :)

K. A. DeFreitas said...

Great idea! It is always nice to see your own words on a wall.

Liz said...

Great wall hanging! I am already a follower, and if I won I would choose witch digi. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Witch digi is adorable

te_sha said...

I am new follower now. Very nice work you done on that girl. Tell your hubby very nice work he does! If I were to win I would like the kitty costume. Thank you

Cherylann's "Outta-My-Mind " said...

so adorable. If I were to win I would pick either the witch or cat costume, they are all great stamps.

Bonnie said...

Lucky to find your blog thru the blog hop... looking forward to many days of reading!!

Anna said...

WOW that is just breathtaking. I am now a follower here and at Shelley Bean stamps. I would have to pick the little Indian girl.

Kathy said...

I love your project! Love that you and your hubby can combine talents into one! Thanks for sharing!
kmgillon at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Have no idea what I pick so it's your choice for me if I would happen to win...

jcinokc said...

Wow that is an awesome project. Very creative.

jenlovcarr at aol dot com

myska said...

I think the wall hanging is amazing! And the collaboration is wonderful! I like the little witch with the trick or treat bag. My e-mail is

Melia said...

Wow, what a great project you and the hubby did.... I am a longtime follower, adn if i won, i'd LOVE the with stamp...


Diana said...

Wow what a talented household, this is incredible!!! I love it!!
bdrb at sbcglobal dot net

liz at liz's paper loft said...

shelley, super cool! you're such an artist, your stamps are amazing!
liz :o)

Charlene said...

I'm a follower of your blog and if i won I'd like the pilgrim girl digi stamp. Thanks for the chance to win!
at verizon dot net

Trickut said...

Wow just became a follower on both sites, it's a hard choice but if I won I think I would choose the lil witch.


scrapgranny said...

Thanks for the chance to win a prize! I think like the witch!

katkane43 at aol dot com

Eulanda said...

Wow I remember seeing that picture awhile ago. So neat to see it in that frame with the poem. Awesome project!!

Leah said...

Amazing! I totally love this project. TFS

Craftygirl said...

I would love to have your 'Witch Digi' if I were to win. Thanks for the chance by the way.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog! I LOVE the green skin! She looks so lonely & sad. :( But my creative juices are flowing and I will defiantly be following!! Thank you! - Anna

pj said...

I love the colors on these beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing.

Christine said...

This turned out great, she is very ghoulish! Thanks for sharing!

Pam and Presley said...

How cool to be able to create a beautiful piece of art work with your hubby!

Thank you for sharing to for the chance to win some of your art work:
with, cat costume, indian girl, pilgram boy and girl and anything for kids, boy and girl, sports, or scenery

Thank you again

Dora said...

I have just become your follower!!! I really like what you did with your work and your husband's work. I've had a very difficult time choosing just 1 of the stamps as a favorite but the costume kitty stamp caught my eyes!!!
Thanks for sharing your creativity!

Anonymous said...

I would love any stamps.

Unknown said...

I am just loving this blog hop! Everyone has some great projects and it is giving me lots of inspiration!!!

kayla.taylor7 at yahoo dot com

Manhattan Mandie said...

Love the image and your husband's poem! Amazing!!!

Adrea said...

I think the kitty costume is very cute! Thanks for sharing!

Kim. said...

Oh wow you and your husband are so very talented. Love this artwork, if I were you I would certainly want to keep it up all year round.
kimbo190368 at aol dot com
Kim xXx

T's Corner for Craftin' said...

Great talent!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What an awesome blog! I must admit that I am very impressed with your husbands peom as well- you guys are a dynamic duo! (can you tell I have 2 boys...) I am so glad I participated in the blog hop! I will be visiting again very soon!


Kelgentry66 said...

I love the picture. Your very talented.

Rebekkah said...

Great job, love your stamps.

rebocker at yahoo dot com

Totally Twisted Cards said...

Aweswome job. I love your witch stamp. TFS.

stacy at mycraftingtime dot com

AprilsL8 said...

Wow what talent you have in the family!! How lucky for you! I love your project!!

MaryM said...

I love the witch AND the kitty cat! You are such a creative person. I'll be a follower!

Anonymous said...

Marlene said: I love the Digi Witch, she is my

Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

I love that your project is a duo collabration of both you and your husband. I can only hope that my husband would contribute anything to one of my projects.

katsews at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower, love the wall hanging.

Allison and Adam said...

You have a lovely blog!